Luke Gartrell Misbehaves at Burger King

Luke Gartrell im hungry. so am I . lets go to
burger king for lunch . ok . mom is waiting for us. hello and
welcome to burger
king. how may I help you? I will have a southwest salad,and a small coke. I
will have a Large fry, a cheeseburger, and a medium coke please. and i will
have 200 cheeseburgers, 200 chicken nuggets, 200 large fries, a EXTRA large
Coke and a Large choclate milkshake. sorry but we are all out of chocolate
milkshakes. what? don't tell me your joking. you can have a chocolat pie instead.
NO! Luke Gartrell, you can have a chocolate pie instead of that chocolate
shake. NO! Luke Gartrell stop being a brat either you have a chocolate pie or
you have nothing. i Have a better idea. why dont we go across the street and
get a diamond ring so our mom can engage me. Luke Gartrell now everyone is
looking at you. go ahead and engage me! im mad now! time pwn some people! BOOM
BOOM BOOM punch punch! ouch! A couple- i think we should leave, honey! yes lets
get outta here! time for my spoiled brat laser! zzzzz! Now an
earthquake!CCRaacK!  GrrrrrrTake that for
not giving me my chocolate shake! O M G! Luke!!  N o o o o, N o o o o, N o o o o, N o o o o, h
h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h Luke Gartrell you are SO grounded! this is the
worst thing you have ever done! but mom im sorry . sorry denied. we are leaving
and you are getting nothing. but mom can we go back? no. you destroyed the
place. i think we are going to end up on the news and get into alot of trouble.
mom dont worry they will never find out. but luke G, When we left burger king
there was fire everywhere. the police was also there. everyone was looking at
you . we have to escape
quickly.    hello and welcome
to gnn news today a 5 year old kid didn't get what he wanted, so he destroyed
burger king. i have an officer with me. officer can you here me? yes I can here
you loud and clear. here i am at the destroyed burger king as you can see the
cashiers and computers have been smashed to pieces, the furniture has been
damaged, and the food has been spoiled. i now have the burger king caishier
with me. can you tell us what happened? yes. i told him we were out of  chocolate shakes, and i offered him a
chocolate pie. ok . I now have Eric and his friend with me. Eric can you tell
me what happended? yes me and my friend sammy were having lunch at burger king
when some kid got mad and told his mom to engage him. dude that kid sucks
right? yeah! ok i hope you two stay safe. i now have isaac and Aleh. isaac can
you tell me what happened? yes. me and aleh were talking when that idiot luke
gartrell used his spoiled brat laser on us. thanks to his stupid laser, we now
have injuries that will take DAYS to heal. ok i hope you two stay safe. we now
return with some visitors. my son didn't get what he wanted, so he destroyed
burger king. i told her i was sorry. i am SOO done with this crap. At home…. Dad,
I’m sorry Dad: O o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
o o o!!!!! Luke Gartrell i cant belive you destroyed burger king,  told your mother to engage you, and hurt Eric
sammy isaac and aleh. im sorry dad. sorry 1000,000 % unaccepted! you are grounded
grounded grounded grounded grounded 493,957,382,949,592,908,508,503,838,205,823,850,830,284,783,508,802,480,2492,975,374,385,387
Trillion years. this means no Easter, no coming home after school, no saturdays
and sundays off, no summer break no vacations, no toys, no legos, no movies, no
TV,no video games, no youtube, no halloween, no thanksgiving dinner, no
birthdays no christmas, no staying up till 12 am on ney years eve, and further
more, go to your room right now. Aw man. L